Regulatory changes are affecting how and where cardiovascular services are delivered.
Cardiovascular services are a core component of hospitals and healthcare systems. With rapidly advancing technology, increasing demand, clinician shortages, regulatory changes, and declining reimbursement service line leaders must innovate to improve and advance how, where, and when cardiovascular care is delivered.
ECG provides a full spectrum of services to assist hospital and healthcare systems, provider groups, insurers, and investors with advancing and improving cardiovascular care and service across all care settings to achieve market-leading, financially sustainable growth in cardiovascular services.
How We Can Help
ECG’s cardiovascular services include:
- Overall vision and strategic direction
- Competitive positioning and new service offerings
- Center of excellence feasibility and development
- Quality, service, and cost improvements
- Managed care contracting, alternative payment models, including bundled payments and risk models
- Governance, organizational, and management structures
- Physician workforce planning, compensation, valuation, leadership, and alignment strategies
- Operational and infrastructure needs
- Performance metrics
- Volume and financial projections
Let’s Connect
Ready to learn more about what ECG can do for your organization?