To reduce costs, improve the health of populations, and enhance the patient experience, healthcare organizations are increasingly incentivized through value-based payment arrangements that tie reimbursement directly to clinical quality metrics. While CMS’s value-based programs are a “zero-sum game,” commercial payers often negotiate incentive payments directly with organizations to achieve predetermined benchmarks in quality metrics.
How do complex healthcare organizations ensure they achieve negotiated quality outcome targets and not leave money on the table? In this discussion with clinical leaders from the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), they share their approach to improving performance in quality metrics. Learn more about the healthcare industry’s move toward value-based incentives and the tactics MUSC uses to engage teams, drive improvement, and overcome challenges to maximize incentive payments.
Learning Objectives
- Explore how payer contracts have evolved to include value-based incentives for achieving quality benchmarks.
- Gain an insider’s perspective into MUSC’s approach to achieving quality performance goals through a tightly integrated and effectively governed QAPI program.
- Examine approaches to monitoring and communicating performance through the use of scorecards and other dashboard approaches.
Presenters from MUSC Health System
Danielle Bowen Scheurer, MD, Chief Quality Officer
Patterson Burch, MHA, Director Quality Reporting
Nicole Pilch, PharmD, Director QAPI Program
Published June 7, 2021
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