Since the COVID-19 pandemic started, staffing shortages have impacted nearly every corner of health care, from contact centers to operating rooms and front desks to back offices. The scarcity of health care providers is much more than a minor inconvenience – it has evolved into an ongoing crisis that leads to a lack of productivity, worsens morale among staff, and makes it difficult to meet patient demand. In fact, the Medical Group Management Association published a recent MGMA Stat poll reflecting that more than four in 10 (44%) practice leaders said that their current support staffing levels were not adequate to meet patient demand.
Many medical practices have attempted to power through the staffing crisis with short-staffed clinics, temporary labor, and employees working overtime. As executives, we don’t have a magic wand to fill the empty chairs, but we can guide our staff through this crisis. Ultimately, following unsustainable practices to address understaffing creates higher financial costs and consumes staff’s already limited time.
This article was originally published in Medical Economics on August 18, 2023.
Published October 3, 2023