Curtis has a passion for simplifying big data and using it to support a comprehensive understanding of clinical processes and outcomes. At a time when health organizations are evaluating their operational efficiency amid growing patient complexity and regulatory changes, Curtis’s clients value his robust approach for statistical modeling and his ability to identify solutions for reducing variation and improving process flow. Having held various positions within an AMC, Curtis has worked closely with physicians, executives, and frontline staff, and he holds a broad perspective of AMC operations, finance, and strategy.
Before joining ECG, Curtis served as the director of clinical analytics for the Department of Care Coordination and Clinical Resource Management at the Johns Hopkins Hospital (JHH). In this capacity, Curtis led a team of data scientists and engineers in the creation of IT infrastructure and predictive models for operational, quality, and financial reporting. This experience was critical in translating frontline functionality with back-end platform needs throughout the software build and implementation projects. Curtis also developed statistical models incorporating analytic inputs from utilization and quality measures, clinical documentation, and financial data. For one program evaluation, Curtis identified $15 million in cost savings over three years due to reduced readmissions and averted emergency department visits. These results were recognized under a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Innovation award for JHH and supported the sustainability plan for two transitions of care teams and a post-acute outpatient clinic.
Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Doctorate of Philosophy in Health Services Research
Yale University
Master of Public Health
Yale University
Bachelor of Science